Final Global Talk Series on ‘Climate Adapted Farming: Adapting Agriculture to Changing Climates’
GRAPE is back with its fourth and final Global Talk Series on ‘Climate Adapted Farming: Adapting Agriculture to Changing Climates’! The event set to be held on September 20, 2024 will explore the current agricultural landscape of the country.
This topic expands on earlier discussions about how technology, water management, and policies support climate-resilient farming. The event will also highlight the key lessons learned from two workshops organized by the Global Shapers Kathmandu Hub on climate-resilient farming in Karnali and Sudurpaschim provinces of Nepal.

Exhibition of Agri-Products and Innovative Ideas

Summer School for Agri-Intermediaries 3-7 June 2024
The Field of Action 4- Scaling up, of the GRAPE project focuses on sharing of knowledge and transferring proven CRA practices and approaches practiced via the project to relevant stakeholders beyond the project location. The objective of the Summer School is to transfer knowledge and skills on proven Climate Resilient Agriculture practices and approaches to agri-intermediaries, mainly NGOs working in the agriculture sector.
The summer school is a 5-day program that offers sessions on specific topics in an interactive format consisting of lectures and practical sessions. The sessions will be facilitated by GRAPE partners who have hands-on experience in practicing CRA approaches and practices.

GRAPE Webinar #5-Organic farming

Webinar on Sustainable Sourcing and Green Supply Chain

GRAPE Webinar #4- Agro-ecological pest management
Let's dive deep into the world of agro-ecological Pest Management and Carrot Psyllids—tiny insects affecting carrot crops and coping strategies