Khumaltar, Lalitpur

Exposure Visit for CRA Knowledge Sharing

15 May, 2024

Amargadhi Municipality in Dadeldhura recently completed a learning and exposure visit to explore Climate Resilient Agriculture (#CRA) initiatives in Eastern Nepal under the GRAPE project. Led by Deputy Mayor Parbati Devi Jhukal, the team of 28 participants,12 Female and 16 Male, including representatives from various wards, lead farmers, and municipal staff, delved into climate-resilient agriculture practices and technologies at ICIMOD Living Mountain Lab, Lalitpur, Sotang Organic Farm, Bashantatar, and more.

This intergovernmental learning platform facilitated fruitful discussions on local government priorities. This exposure visit was aimed at equipping Amargadhi Municipality and its participants with the knowledge and insights necessary to integrate these learnings into annual planning & budget as well as policies of the government, thereby contributing to climate resilience.