
GRAPE's second joint Learning and Monitoring Visit

04 Oct, 2023
GRAPE's second joint Learning and Monitoring Visit across Sudurpaschim province in Dadeldhura, Doti, and Kailali marked a crucial step in comprehending the initial impacts of GRAPE's interventions. The visit, which included on-site assessments and interactive sessions brought together valuable insights from partner NGOs, INGOs, and representatives from ICIMOD and GIZ.
Key observations highlight the vital role of collaboration with local municipalities, emphasizing the essence of shared ownership. Additionally, Community Learning Centers (CLCs) have emerged as pivotal in enhancing farmers' capabilities in climate-resilient agriculture (CRA). The active engagement of local cooperatives ensures a reliable supply of quality seeds and facilitates connections to broader markets.
The visit also underscored the importance of strengthening marketing efforts for the products produced through CRA technologies to enhance their marketability.