
Joint learning and monitoring visit

16 Jun, 2023
GRAPE uses joint Learning and Monitoring Visits together with its numerous partners to foster collaborative learning and for improving the ongoing implementation of the programme. A first Learning and Monitoring Visit took place in our partner municipalities in the districts of Surkhet, Dailekh, and Bajura.
The visit brought together GRAPE’s partner ministry MoLCPA, NGOs & INGOs, ICIMOD, and GIZ. Together, partners observed implementation status and met with beneficiaries and intermediaries. The key insights collected will help to steer the programme better.
The visit of action research sites, farmer groups practising climate resilient agriculture (CRA) and partner municipalities emphasised the need for improved coordination between provincial agencies and municipalities to effectively utilise resources for public infrastructure development, especially in irrigation. Furthermore, the importance of engaging with the private sector to enhance the marketing of agricultural products was underlined.