
Training on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Responsive Local Level Planning

05 Nov, 2023

A 2-day Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Responsive Local Level Planning training was conducted in Nepalgunj for 19 Local Governments (LGs) from October 1 to November 3, 2023. The participants, led by Sharu Joshi Shrestha and Sangram S. Lama, GESI Trainers and Facilitators, included Deputy Mayors, Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons, Ward Chairs, Ward Members, Chief Administrative Officers, Planning Officers, Agricultural Extension Officers, GESI focal persons, Experts, and IT Officers.

 The primary goals  of the training were to enhance understanding of GESI approaches and tools, such as Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB), GESI Audit, and Right to Information (RTI), for addressing GESI issues in climate-resilient agriculture value chains and economic governance at the municipality level. Various interactive methods were employed, including adult learning approaches and simple Nepali language, to engage participants and ensure effective learning. District-based GIZ advisors were consulted for relevant data collection before the training, and diverse techniques like brainstorming, group discussions, role-play, and real exercises on RTI and GRB were utilized to foster participant engagement and skill development.