Khumaltar, Lalitpur


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A training on sustainable harvesting and processing practices of MAPs

Under GRAPE action, ICIMOD Living Mountain Lab conducted a training on sustainable harvesting and processing practices of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) for five Godavari-based Community User Forest Groups.

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Discussion on the final draft of Nepalgunj's Economic Development Strategy

Together with Nepalgunj sub-metropolitan city, the LPED-GRAPE program facilitated discussion on the final draft of Nepalgunj's Economic Development Strategy (EDS), which highlighted sub-sector potentials, development priorities, and pathways to realize the desired future scenario of the sub-metropolitan city.

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Soil Solarization training for farming households in Himali, Bajura

As part of the GRAPE project, 30 farming households in Himali, Bajura have received a training on soil solarization – an innovative method of treating soil to control pests and diseases.

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Apple Orchard Management training in Swami Kartik Khapar, Bajura

With the aim of improving apple production in the region and thereby supporting the growth of the local economy, 26 farming households in Swamikartik Khapar, Bajura were recently trained in apple

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CRA was discussed by ICIMOD and a delegation of German politicians

The GRAPE program brought their partner ICIMOD together with a delegation of German members of parliament to discuss climate resilient agriculture (CRA).

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Neftalk in Karnali Province

The GRAPE project partnered with Nepal Economic Forum to discuss building Karnali as an Organic Province in a recent Neftalk.

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Province level multi-stakeholder interaction

Together with the Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperative (#MoLMAC)of Karnali Province the GRAPE project organized a province-level multi-stakeholder interaction workshop on the promotion of Climate Resilient and organic agriculture. In the presence of the Hon’able Minister of MoLMAC of Karnali Province, participants discussed the presence of pesticides in different Zones. They also debated on proposed support and inspection mechanism to be steered by municipalities, which would aim at supporting the transition to an organic province.

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Exposure visit to Sikkim, a northeastern Indian state

A six-day exposure visit to Sikkim, a Northeastern Indian state emerging as a pioneer in organic farming, was organized by ICIMOD under the GRAPE project. 

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Capacitating training for dialogue facilitators in Karnali and Sudurpaschim

Two 3-days training capacitating dialogue facilitators from GRAPE partner municipalities in Karnali and Sudurpaschim provinces was conducted in the past weeks.

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