Khumaltar, Lalitpur


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GRAPE started setting up agricultural research sites in Karnali province.

The GRAPE started setting up agricultural research sites in Karnali province.

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Economic Development Strategy for “prosperous and developed Siddharthanagar”

As part of the Local and Regional Economic Development (LRED) approach applied by GRAPE, five municipalities in Lumbini Province are currently receiving support in drafting their economic development strategies.

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Diagnostic workshops on the last Business Climate Survey

The GRAPE project organized diagnostic workshops on the last Business Climate Survey (BCS) in eight sub-metropolitan cities and municipalities.

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Science fair for students in ICIMOD Knowledge Park

GRAPE project focuses on scaling-up of sustainable and climate-resilient approaches also through awareness events targeting school students, networking and exchange events like the Science fair that ICIMOD recently hosted.

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Three EDS workshops were organized for Ghorahi Sub-Metropolitan City,

The LPED/GRAPE project facilitates the development of municipal Economic Development Strategies (EDS) as part of ongoing efforts to improve the framework conditions for local economic development.

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Clean-up campaign on World Environment Day

On the occasion of World Environment Day, ICIMOD and Ward 3 of the Godawari Municipality organized a clean-up campaign with support from GRAPE. The theme of the World Environment Day 2022 was “Beat Plastic Pollution” - an urgent call to immediately phase out use of plastics and find & support sustainable alternatives.

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Five trainings on the Local and regional economic development approach

Five trainings on the Local and Regional Economic Development (LRED) approach were organized in December and January for the economic clusters Rupandehi, Dang and Banke.

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Tunnel-farming demonstration site in Siddarthanagar, Rupandehi

As a part of GRAPE project’s support to cooperatives and (M)SMEs during and after the COVID-19 pandemic cooperation GRAPE has supported the setting up of a tunnel-farming demonstration site in Siddarthanagar (Rupandehi).

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